ECOS products are designed to nourish your skin, and help you achieve everyday wellness, and add relaxation and rejuvenation to your daily routine. ECOS’s personal care products are online-based lines using permanent bottles with refill bags while respecting the environment.

Current Brand

In Greek (οίκος) means “home.”

In Latin, it means habitat or environment.


The new logo brings sophistication to your home to elevate the mood, embracing the current graphic element.

Inspired by the warmth from the sunlight and comfort from home.

Body Wash and Body Lotion


Facial Moisturizer

Facial Moisturizer Refill



Deodorant Refill

Earthy and neutral colors bring softness and comfort into the user's environment.



Body Wash, Body Lotion

I kept refining proportion. The neck of the bottle needed to be wide enough to pour the powder, and the nozzle looked too weak, so made it thicker.


Figured out the right dimension, proportion, and curvature.


Tried to find the proper dimension of refill.

Moisturizer Refill Box

Designed variation and chose the simple design that accommodates with products. I also chose lock bottom dieline to hold the product safe.

Designed a shipping box with an insert that holds products.